- Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Puducherry was established in the year 1989 by the Government of Puducherry with the aim to provide Post graduate level education to the needy students in the Union territory of Pondicherry.
- In the year of inception 11 disciplines in Arts, Science and Commerce were started at the Post graduate level, M.Sc., Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics was also one among the discipline.
- The Department grew in stature and established M.Phil research programme in the year 2003 to promote research in Mathematics.
- D., research programme in Mathematics was started from the year 2016.
- The Department made a paradigm shift in the curriculum adopting “Choice Based Credit System” (CBCS) during 2012-13 for M.Sc. Mathematics and during 2013-14 for M.Phil programmes.
- The faculty members of the department are highly dedicated in teaching and are also quality
- With the services of these devoted staff members of this department, the department of Mathematics is able to produce excellent results both in M.Sc., and M.Phil programmes. The Department also is proud that it has produced four Ph.D., Scholars.
- The Department of Mathematics has all the infrastructures required for all the programmes conducted. The department is equipped more than 4000 book titles of advanced level of study in the Department library, though there is a general library.
- Many of our students have cleared CSIR /JRF, SLET and various other competitive examinations .
- The Department has taken up a Project on “ Computational Approach for Retrial queuing systems” which was funded by UGC-CPE Phase II.
- After completion of their programmes, students were referred to various placement opportunities in reputed colleges/schools/ industries. Students were also encouraged to join PhD programmes.
- The Department has a practice of conducting BOS meeting regularly in which the curriculum is discussed elaborately and necessary changes in the curriculum are made according to need of the society.
- Students are encouraged to join academically value added courses through NPTEL and SWAYAM/MOOC through IIT Bombay. Several students have cleared them
- Students also participate in the college placement drive. Many of our students are placed though these drives.
- The department has separate Research computer Laboratory for the usage of research scholars and PG students.
- The department conducts seminar, invited talks and programmes regularly to update the students knowledge in their domain.
- The department insists all students to undergo Internship in Government / Private school for a period of minimum 2 weeks. Extra audited 3credits (compulsory) are awarded to the students in this regard.
- The department insists all the students to choose one inter disciplinary courses to enhance knowledge from other domains as a compulsory soft core paper.
- The department is equipped with a state of art smart class rooms.
- The department follows the Continuous internal assessment process to test the knowledge of the students and marks awarded thereby are included in their aggregate of marks.
- The Department conducts regular Parent Teacher meeting. The Parents are to meet the HOD, Teacher/ Mentee atleast once at the beginning, ( When admitting ) at the end of the first semester, at the end of the second semester and at end of the third semester. A record is maintained in this regard in the department.
- The department has created an exclusive Whatsapp group for each class separately and all require intimations are informed in time.
- The department has an Alumni Whatsapp group (passed out students) so that student may be contacted as and when required.

Associative Professor *
Qualifications: M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,
Area of Specialization: Stochastic Process, Probability Theory & Queuing Theory
📞 9443484505
* Pondicherry University recognised Ph.D guide
- Mathematics
- M.Phil. Mathematics
- Ph.D. Mathematics
1 | Transient Analysis of Single Server Queueing System with Loss and Feedback | International Journal of computer sciences and Engineering | 2347-2693 | Mar/19 | httpss:// |
2 | Analysis of finite source queueing system with catastrophe | International Conference on computing sciences and Engineering | 2347-2693 | Mar/19 | httpss:// |
3 | Computational Approach for Transient Behaviour of M/M (a,b)/1 Bulk Service Queueing System with multiple vacation and discouraged customers | Science, Technology and Development | 0950-0707 | Oct/19 | httpss:// |
4 | Computational Approach for Transient behaviour of finite source Retrial Queuing Model with Impatient customers | Science, Technology and Development | 0950-0707 | Oct/19 | httpss:// |
5 | Computational Approach for Transient Behaviour of M/M (a,b)/1 Bulk Service Queueing System with optional service | Journal of scientific and computing | 1524-2560 | Mar/20 | httpss:// |
6 | Computational Approach for Transient Behaviour of M/M (a,b)/1 Bulk Service Queueing System with Bernoulli vacation and reneging of customers | Journal of Xidian university | 1001-2400 | Apr/20 | |
7 | Computational approach for Transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with exhaustive type single vacation | Journal of scientific and computing | 1524-2560 | May/20 | httpss:// |
8 | Computational approach for Transient Behaviour of Single server Retrial queueing system with Non-pre emptive Priority services | Science, Technology and Development Journal | 0950-0707 | Jul/20 | httpss:// |
9 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of M/M(a, b) /1 bulk service queueing system with multiple vacation and variable service rate | STRAD RESEARCH | 0039-2049 | Nov/20 | |
10 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of M/M(a, b) /1 bulk service queueing system with working vacation | Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science | 1927-5307 | Oct/20 | httpss:// |
11 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of M/M(a,b)/1 bulk service queueing system with serve breakdown and repair | Malaya Journal of Matematik | 2021 | httpss:// | |
12 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with exhaustive type single vacation, loss and feedback | Malaya Journal of Matematik | 2021 | httpss:// | |
13 | Time dependent Retrial Queueing Model with Orbital search under non pre emptive priority service | Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science | 1927-5307 | May/21 | httpss:// |
14 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of M/M(a,b)/1 bulk service queueing system with multiple vacation and catastrophe | International journal of statistics and reliability engineering | 2456-2378(O) 2350-0174(P) | Jun/21 | |
15 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with Multiple vacation and Bernoulli Schedule | GIS Science Journal | 1869-9391 | Nov/21 | httpss:// |
16 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with loss and feedback | International journal of Aquatic Science | 2008-8019 | Mar/22 | |
17 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with catastrophe | Malaya Journal of Matematik | Jun/22 | httpss:// | |
18 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with multiple vacation and catastrophe | International journal of Engineering and innovative research | 2456-236X | Sep/22 | |
19 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with multiple vacation and catastrophe using probability generating function | Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology | 1006-7930 | Oct/22 | |
20 | Computational approach for transient behaviour of finite source retrial queueing model with working vacation and catastrophe | Journal of fundamental and comparative research | 2277-7067 | Nov/22 |
- The regular PhD programme in Mathematics was started in 2016 and four scholars have completed their PhD as of July 2024.
- The Department is proud to state the results have always been highly commendable, accepted in the society appreciable which is reflected in the demand for the courses offered by the department year after year.
- For the benefits of students, the Department with the approval of School education refer students for doing internship in various Government and Private schools in and around the union territory of Pondicherry according to their choice.
- The department insists all students to undergo Internship in Government / Private school for a period of minimum 2 weeks. Extra audited 3credits (compulsory) are awarded to the students in this regard. This helps them to learn teaching abilities and to become a good teacher in future if they aspire.
- The Research scholars and Staff of the department have published 25 research articles in reputed journals between 2018-2023
- The Department has taken up the project titled “Computational approach for retrial queuing system” which funded by UGC-CPE Phase II.
- Many students of the department have cleared CSIR/JRF and SLET.
- 128 students received various scholarships from NSP, ADW and POSTMATRIC in the period of years between 2018 and 2023.
- Many students successfully completed value added course from NPTEL
- All Students registered IT related courses in MOOC run by IIT Mumbai and have also successfully completed
- Department students participated in various extracurricular/ sports activities at various levels and won prizes.
- Students participated in community outreach programs through NSS
- The faculty members are associated with various other academic institutions in the capacity members in the doctoral committee, board of study, etc.,
- The faculty members are invited by other institutions to deliver invited talks, seminars,etc.,
- The Department has a state of art facilitated smart class rooms with High configuration computers, wired internet connections and projector.
- The Department has an exclusive Research computer Laboratory with wired internet for the usage of students and research scholars.
- This Research Lab is effectively used by Research scholars and PG students may use as and when they are free.
- The Department guides students to apply for various scholarship like NSP, ADW and Postmatric scholarships many of our students are benefitted due to this.
- The department provides opportunities for students to learn various value added courses from NPTEL/ MOOC/ SWAYAM and also guides them to register and help them to submit assignments in time.
- Laptops, Computer systems, Printers and projectors are also available in the department for academic usage of staff and students.
- The Department, Laboratory and Class rooms are well connected with wired internet connections as well as wifi connections.
- The departmental library is well established with more than 4000 books. Students are encouraged to borrow titles for academic curriculam and for various entrance examination like CSIR-NET, etc., Any number of books can be borrowed.
- For the benefits of students, the Department with the approval of School education refer students for doing internship in various Government and Private schools in and around the union territory of Pondicherry according to their choice.
- The Department conducts seminars, invited talks and workshops regularly to strengthen the knowledge of the students in their domain.
- The department has transparent file maintenance system
- Students can access the previous year question papers from the file maintenance system.
- The Department conducts Parents meeting every semester after publication of the results.
- The mentor system is established in a systematic manner.
- The department maintains a movement register for both staff and students.
Name : Dr. Gopal Sekar
Designation : Associate professor and Head
Mobile : 9489257826
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